How to Easily Play High Notes on the Flute

Come and join me to learn the proper way of playing high notes, which makes them instantly easier (and sound a lot nicer)!

ā­ļø You'll also get Jane's weekly tips to quickly improve your flute playing!

Instant improvement is a real thing

I show you how real (and fast!) progress on the flute is just a series of simple tweaks to your playing.

The real way to play high notes

First, we'll identify which of the 3 ways you actually use to play your high notes. You'll then learn the "pro way" which gives you instantly easier, softer, and sweeter sounding high notes.

Faster progress through proper technique

You'll learn how to experience an instant shift in your playing that lets you know 100% that you're finally on the right path.

Join me to learn the real way to play high notes.

Over the next 3 days, I'll teach you how to instantly improve your higher notes so that they are easy to play, softer and sound nicer.

And I can't wait!

"Your free course has really helped me! I feel like I owe you a million dollars. I thank you so much Jane - youā€™re the best!!!"

Janet Finlay

"One 5 minuteĀ video has cleared up 45 years of confusion and frustrationĀ and my feelings of gratitude are enormous. Thank you aĀ thousand times!"

Joseph Kilbridge
Buffalo, New York, USA

"After I completed your first set of lessons on embouchure last night my husband came in after I finished playing and said "What on earth did you DO?? You are playing so much better!""

Lindsay Irvin
San Antonio, Texas, USA

"I've struggled at getting the middle octave. Now, you should hear the difference between low and middle octaves. If there was a competition, I could've won silver! This makes me extremely happy!"

Bronwyn Hughes
Sydney, Australia

"Itā€™s hit and miss whether I can play above a B (above the stave). So I practiced your suggestions for a few days. Then one of my musician friends asked me to play flute duets. And I didn't even get tired! Your exercises gave me the range I needed. What a boost to my confidence!"

Kerry Riddle
Santa Monica, California, USA

"What you did to my student playing is absolutely amazing! She couldnā€™t play above the stave - weā€™ve been working on her high notes all year, and in 1 lesson youā€™ve fixed her!!"

Catherine Liebel (flute teacher)
Sydney, Australia

Here's the truth

Many adult flute players suffer from overwhelm, thinking that they "should be better than this by now!".

And most players think that practicing for hours will get them results.

But the truth is: it's only when you learn the right tweaks to make to your playing, in the right order, that you start progressing really quickly.

This mini-course is a "must" for you if:

> You practice, but feel like you're not improving as fast as you'd like.

> You find high notes difficult and screechy sounding!

> You run out of air quickly when playing high notes.

A Note From Jane...

I'm lucky enough to have been playing and teaching the flute professionally for over 20 years.

I know how my hundreds of students had previously felt frustrated from their slow progress - thinking they were missing a key ingredient, or just not good enough to play the music they wanted to.

Well, once I showed them the tiny steps that would ultimately transform their playing, let me tell you, they made up for lost time and have not looked back!

Faster progress through proper technique

This is what I LOVE about teaching the flute to adults - they appreciate the efficiency of learning proper playing techniques!

Come and join me to learn the real way to play high notes, making them softer, sweeter, and much much easier.