Flute Q&A #16: An off-set flute embouchure
Jan 10, 2022In this Flute Q&A, we talk about bendy thumbs, offset embouchures, fluffy flute tones and more!
In this Flute Q&A...
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Flute embouchure off centre
- Don asks: My embouchure opening is a little off center to the right. Do you have tips for finding the right position to hold the flute for the best results?
Don, here's the video on how to play with a tear drop lip (because you might find it interesting)
Bendy flute playing thumbs
- Shaun asks: I have distal hyperextensibility in my thumbs so they bend back 90 degrees. This affects my recorder playing because my hand position is too flat. When you play the flute, are the thumbs pushed back, or does the flute rest on the side of the thumbs?
Zoom flute lessons
- Sally asks: Hi Jane, your videos are great! Do you give Zoom or Skype lessons?
Sally, this is The Flute Academy I mentioned.
Improve flute sound
- Claude asks: I am trying to register for a session that would help me improve my sound and discover new partitions for small ensembles (flute, piano, cello).
Claude, here is the link to the 348 pieces for flute and piano and the link to the 470 pieces for flute and bass instrument. Here is the link to Sheet Music Plus where you can buy from an even bigger range of music.
Dynamics in pieces
- Nikki asks: In the October Masterclass Overture from Nabucco - Giuseppe Verdi, I noticed you didn't mention playing with dynamics that relate to what the piece of music is about ie: Hebrew slaves. Was that intentional? Doesn't it improve quality?
Here is the link to Nabucco on flutetunes that I used when recording the Masterclass in The Flute Academy.