Flute Q&A #18: Stabilising your flute when playing C
Feb 14, 2022Here is the latest Flute Q&A, answering your Qs about how to balance the flute when playing the note C, how to stop dribbling, and more!
In this Flute Q&A...
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How to stabilise the flute
- Debi asks: I'm a new flute player (playing approximately 3 months) having difficulty stabilizing the flute when playing middle C. I'm an adult student but play a curved headjoint due to being of small stature. I'm also using a Thumbport which helps to an extent.
Debi, I mentioned the Stability module of The 45 Day Flute Transformation. You can find out more about it here if you're interested in learning more about the balance of the flute (which frees up your fingers and speeds them up).
How often to clean the flute pads
- Liz asks: How often should I clean my flute pads, and could you provide some easy instructions on how to do this. Thanks.
How to stop "dribbling" when playing the flute!
- Bruce asks: How do I control salivating particularly when tonguing?
Bruce, the Tongue Troubleshooting lesson is Day 38 of The 45 Day Transformation. You can learn more here about it if you want detailed demonstrations.
What else do good flute players think about?
- Joseph asks: What occupies the brain space of a flute player whose brain space needn't be occupied by attending to elements of technique, the elements having become well habituated?