Flute Q&A #19: Fixing an airy flute sound
Mar 07, 2022In this Flute Q&A, you'll see questions answered on how to get rid of the air in your sound, how to play softly up high on the piccolo, and more!
In this Flute Q&A...
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How do I get rid of the air in my flute sound?
- Perry asks: I've been learning flute for a while now I can play notes well but how do I get rid of the air in my playing - I'm having a hard time with this.
Perry (and anyone else who wants to quickly improve their flute tone), the free mini-course can be registered for here
Placement of the flute head joint
- Sheri asks: I just purchased an Azumi 3. Since it is silver, I am struggling with finding the exact right place for the head joint in terms of how much to pull it out and the alignment with the keys. How can I easily figure out the placement of the headjoint?
How to control dynamics on the piccolo
- Wendy asks : I am having trouble controlling my dynamics on the piccolo. What exercises or technique do I need to keep in mind to learn to play p/pp between high D and high G?
Wendy, The 45 Day Flute Transformation that I mentioned is part of The Flute Academy here
Playing a low C on the flute with small hands
- Jane asks: I have small hands and playing a low C without touching the D# key is difficult. Is there something I can do to prevent this problem? Thanks.