How to Read a Flute Fingering Chart
Sep 20, 2015How to Read a Flute Fingering Chart
In this short video, I show you how to easily read a flute fingering chart. If you haven't already got a fingering chart, get yourself a good one that's easy to read. You can get the Easyflute Fingering Chart for FREE at the bottom of this page. Many fingering charts for flute can be unnecessarily complicated. The Easyflute flute fingering chart is basically just a simple picture, showing which keys you need to push down. The reason the fingering chart in this video looks so simple is because only the keys on the flute that you actually use with a finger have been drawn. The keys on the flute that your fingers never touch, have been left out of the drawings which is why the Easyflute fingering chart is so easy to decipher. In the video you'll be first shown the note B, the note that you've already learned. You remember that I said, and you can probably remember from playing yourself, that you've only got three keys down - on your left hand - your index finger, your thumb, and then on your right hand, just your little finger. If you look at the drawing of the note B in the fingering chart, it should be clear to you which fingers to push down - they're the keys that are colored in black. You might be looking at the rest of the drawing and wondering what all the other white keys are! Well, let me explain. In the video, I hold my flute around the same way as what you're looking at your own flute and I show you exactly which keys on the flute correspond to the drawing. Notice that there are 2 keys on the drawing for your left hand thumb. If you have a look at your own flute, you'll see there are 2 keys on it that correspond with the fingering chart. Finger by finger, I show you in this video how to match each of your flute playing fingers with the keys on your flute and the colored-in black circles of the flute fingering chart! After watching the video, you'll be able to see fingering charts for flute in the future, and you'll know how to read them. You should be pretty happy after watching the video, now that a fingering chart makes sense! I'll see you in the next video.
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