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Student Success!

Real people. RealĀ progress.

When you join The Flute Academy, you're joining these flute players, from all around the world, who have transformed their flute playing.

Flute playersĀ that are just like you!

Find out about The Flute Academy

The Hall of Progress!

Real people. Real progress.

When you join The Flute Academy, you're joining these flute players, from all around the world, who have transformed their flute playing.

Flute players that are just like you!

The Flute Academy

Mary Cuyler

Vermont, USA

"I can't believe how just one little step each day adds up to a major change over time. I am so excited to be playing so much better, and looking forward to being better still in the future!"

The Flute Academy

Bill Buchman

Sarasota, Florida, USA

"I have had a major breakthrough with sound production and breath control immediately based on doing what you explain. Thank you very much for explaining in simple terms what others could not. I'm very grateful and excited!"

These players instantly got a stronger sound!

Flute School testimonial
Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School
Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School
Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial

These players can now play high notes easily!

Flute School testimonial
Flute School
Flute School
Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial

These players improved their breathing!

Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial

These players now have faster fingers!

Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial

And look who finds playing much easier!

Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School
Flute School
Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School testimonial
Flute School
Flute School

Faster Progress Through Proper Technique ā„¢

Come and join Jane in The Flute Academy to transform your flute playing - one clever tweak at a time!

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